Creating a Zine

A typical zine is printed on standard letter-sized paper (8.5 x 11). Your zine can contain any content you desire, although most members tend to focus on comics, movies, books, music, and other aspects of popular culture. Zines often have original artwork, original fiction, images from the net, and adult material. Some members compose their zines on the computer, some create handwritten zines. Whatever method you use is up to you.

Each member will usually make 10-15 copies of their own zine (or fewer, depending on the number of people who receive the print edition) and then mail them to the Central Mailer (CM). The CM is a member elected by the group who collects everyone’s zines, collates them together, and then distributes the combined APA magazine to everyone. These days, members typically email their zine to the CM and the CM prints the necessary number of copies needed for the print edition. The cost for this is currently 5¢ per page for b&w and 15¢ for color.

Two common terms in the APA are “natter” and “mailing comments” (MCs). Natter is general discussion, typically updating the other members about your life and interests. Mailing comments are remarks to other members about their zines. These interactions between members are what help make the APA into a community of friends.